Today I am thankful for a Birthday Week. Usually I just have a birthday, but this year the celebration has expanded. I'm So blessed.
Friends came on Sunday bearing chocolate cheesecake and fun games and really good wine. The sky opened up with a great (in the fullest sense of the word) thunderstorm. And I was given a gift card to Barnes & Noble, which leaves me full of anticipation and ideas for how to stretch it to get the most delight for my money. (A future thankful: the B&N opening not-at-all-far from me very soon!)
On Monday, family came bearing cake and more presents and a really funny two-year old for entertainment. The sky opened up with an even bigger thunderstorm (lightning crashes! thunder you could practically see! driving rain!). We ate grilled pizza with a new sauce recipe I found, which was a hit. For good reason: it is awesome! Here are the links, because you are absolutely going to want to try this out (delights are always more delightful when shared, don't you think??):
How to Grill PizzaExquisite Pizza Sauce (although I left out the anchovy paste and red pepper flakes, and added more garlic, freshly minced and roasted)
This morning, I woke up dreaming of an old friend who has recently found a lot of peace in her life, which I am glad about...that means she's searching. My dream made me happy because in it, we began talking about the One who brings True Peace (which is not the peace she's found). It was a reflective sort of dream, and gives me hope for her and reminds me to pray for her.
And more is to come, I am sure, because my husband tells me it is so.
Thank You, God, for Your good gifts and the eyes to see them!